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Hi, there.

I'm Hannah. With 10+ years of experience in storytelling — as a writer, editor, strategist, and content writer across biomedical research and healthcare — I'm passionate about quality content that educates, inspires, and grows community and brands. Once and always a journalist, I have a mind for scientific detail punctuated exquisitely with empathy.

My roots are in academic and scientific writing, working 1:1 with students in a writing lab and then with neuroscientists in research labs. After a personal health journey on which I discovered my love for biochemistry, microbiology, and a view of the body as an intricately connected system (connected, in fact, to other systems, like the environment), I almost started school to become a naturopathic doctor. Instead, I joined a joy coaching program (like life coaching, for joy). While I've always been intuitive, I'd gotten so wrapped up in defining my purpose that my brain had taken over, and I'd forgotten how to listen to my intuition.


Since reconnecting with my body and inner voice, I've been on a mission to give individuals the information to become their own healers, to inspire researchers by sharing connections I've made in the literature, to connect healthcare practitioners to emerging research, and to accelerate evidence generation in women's health.

Shortlisted Book Recommendations

1 / On Health

The Invisible Kingdom, Meghan O'Rourke

The XX Brain, Lisa Mosconi, PhD

The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution, Aviva Romm, MD

Lifespan, David Sinclair, PhD

Of People and Plants, Maurice Mességué

2 / On Science

Feeling and Knowing, Antonio Damasio

Projections, Karl Deisseroth

3 / On Spirituality

The Art of Living, Thich Nhat Hanh

The Book of Joy, the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

Hannah Rose Writes

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